Beijing Cai Shi Kou Department Store Co Ltd

Country / Region: China

About Beijing Cai Shi Kou Department Store Co Ltd:

For more than six decades, Beijing Cai Shi Kou Department Store Co Ltd (Caibai) has been synonymous with honest, professional and personal jewellery consultation services. To build customer loyalty to its brand, Caibai set up a “jewellery service centre” – the first retailer to do so in China. Caibai’s superior customer service is instrumental in making it one of the most trusted brands in the country. Celebrating its 60th anniversary in 2016, Caibai promises to launch initiatives that will further promote its distinct jewellery culture across Asia.

Professionalism and genuine, personal service – these are the hallmarks that have brought Caibai to the top of China’s jewellery industry. Caibai commits to the highest quality standards, employs innovative approach to marketing and customer service and is driven by a strong management culture and belief. Its flagship store in Beijing is one of the world’s largest single store outlets for gold, platinum, diamonds and coloured stones.